Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Is your "Tea" better than mine?

Or is your tea Kool-aid?

As someone who has been a "Tea-Partier" from way back when, I have to say I am more than dismayed at the current attitude by many Denver Tea-Partiers. The same people who, months ago during our caucuses and primary were urging people to vote "principle over party" are now shouting "party over principle". Astounding, I know. The crux of the matter of course is one Dan Maes, a man who got the Republican nomination via the tea-party wave. The problem of course is nearly nobody knew what a complete trainwreck this guy was until after the about buyers remorse, except of course for the few hangers on whom I firmly believe fall into one of two camps; those who automatically choose Republican on the ballot and those who simply refuse to read for themselves and  take the news only from Dan's mouth in a very cultish Kool-aid manner. ( I have been told by them on facebook, Dan's press coverage is a conspiracy just like the downtown bike program....shhhhh pass it on.)

Enter Tom Tancredo. Tom, trying to help the GOP save face and the Governors seat, got into the race with the intent of getting Maes to drop out so the GOP could select a viable candidate. Maes in his hubris has refused even when it is apparent to everyone but him that he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell at winning this thing. (I have to wonder if he was the kind of kid who's parents made up ribbons and trophies for him coming in 15th place?)

So Tancredo is still in for the long haul and may just pull this off according to recent polling. I decided before the primary that I would donate money and time to the candidates I chose as part of my own effort to know that I wasn't supporting just another talking head. Thus far, I have been active with 2 campaigns, Buck and Tancredo. Both have tremendous momentum and both are men I feel I can stand behind, in clear conscience and with pride.

Today, was the last straw on this camels back. I received a new Maes YouTube video. The video spends the first 4 of its total 7 minutes trying to convince the audience that none of what we have read is true and that he is some sort of "victim"...Seriously? When you find your gonads please let us all know. The remainder of the video is spent, urging us all to remember what the Tea Party movement is all about. Saying no to dirty politicians, electing based on principles, on integrity. Hearing those words coming from HIS mouth made me want to vomit especially in light of the smarmy tactics he and his attorney tried using this week (read HERE )not to mention further reports of questionable campaign finance management (HERE).

I'm Voting Tancredo. It is in my never-so-humble opinion a very "Tea-Party" like thing to do, in fact, I think it really sums up the movement.

So with my tea in hand and my spine firm I will cast my ballot, and because I am determined to vote based on PRINCIPLE I will not be selecting all Republicans. When I select the box next to Tom's name it will be not only because I feel he is the best man for the job, it will also be me exercising my dissent, my disgust and my disapproval for the candidate who is taking my party back to pre Tea-Party standards.

So take your Kool-aid elsewhere, this gal is happily sipping her tea.

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