Monday, February 22, 2010


This seems to be the word on everyones lips today; and no, they aren't talking about a Hallmark commercial style reunion of mother and daughter. This is much more likely to make you cry.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Identity Crisis

I find myself in unfamiliar territory. A strong woman always has an unmistakable sense of self. My political identity has always been a huge part of that, lending a sense of definition to my personal beliefs and values. I've been Republican since the cradle, born and raised to bleed red, white and blue. But seriously? These "yahoos" don't represent me any more than Ted Kennedy did. I remember when being a Republican meant you were fiscally responsible and would stand up against pork, not jump in line for seconds.

I meet politicians, and look at them with disbelieving eyes as they politi-speak though a conversation on the weather, positive they can never be quoted as saying whether or not it would snow tonight. I have spoken with the "up and coming" politicos, and the only ones honest enough to get my vote simply aren't bright enough to get my vote. So what's a girl to do? I know I am not alone here.

I love the idea of the Tea Party movement and think it will go far, but for the moment, I think we would be better served taking over the GOP than trying to reinvent it. Then again, do I want the GOP machine to take this over and ruin a good thing? Time will tell. I love the Tea Party energy and message, but I think I would feel better knowing they wouldn't put the cart before the horse. Scott Bown for President? Puuuh-lease! Can we not ask someone to run before they have accomplished something? Another "wet-behind the ears" President is the last thing we need, even if he was a centerfold. (Yes, I've seen it, and wow.)

So, for the time being, given the choice between Red and Blue, I'll take the White...or maybe Pink.

I've been silent.

For those who know me, that statement is unimaginable. Sure, I talk alot, but not about the important things. In my defense, I have been busy raising a family, building my nest and meeting most of you. Well, the kids are grown, the nest is gone and many of the Americans I know, no longer know what they believe in.

So without further ado, life in the good 'ole U.S.A., as seen by me.