Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On Killing Kittens and Overspending...

For those of you here in Colorado, to say the present races in our state are tumultous is an understatement. Rife with scandal, name calling and now...Killing Kittens and Overspending.

I am of course referring to 3 ballot measures, dubbed the "Ugly 3", that have even the most experienced politicians running for cover and seeking respite in indecision. It basically boils down to this; If you are pro-Ugly 3, you are a horrible person who probably kills kittens for fun, if you are against you want to use MY checkbook to spend like a drunken sailor.

My goal over the next few days is to present each and let YOU decide. I should warn you though, I had a kitten for lunch yesterday. ;)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

This is HUGE.

Ever watched the movie "Dave"? I have to say it is a favorite, Kevin Klein playing a lookalike of the president, and the awe inspiring scene where he sits down at the conference room table and forces his cronies to make meaningful cuts to the budget to save important things like homeless shelters.

I will admit, I have often fantasized about having such a President working on our behalf. Not that it is likely to happen, but hey, a girl can dream can't she?

I came across this site in my web trudging, and it seems to be based on basically the same concept. It opens up that mysterious crypt of unknown budget items in our Federal goverment allowing we the people a glimps at where we might push our legislators to start cutting, without hurting those who are "down and out".

Go ahead, click the link...explore it. Where do YOU think we should start? http://www.downsizinggovernment.org/

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

17th Amendment

My husband and I were watching TV the other night and an AD for the upcoming Colorado elections. The one in question was from the campaign of Michael Bennett slamming his opponent Ken Buck claiming "Buck wants to take away your right to vote!"

My husband and I , Buck supporters, were aghast. Ken Buck...what? No way. Surely they must be mistaken. So, being me, I did some research, which is more than most people who viewed the ad will do. Me? I am just nosey that way.

Trying to keep this "fair and balanced", I googled it and decided upon a more left leaning site, (snort...ok, waaayyy left site) Huffington post. The article can be found HERE. It quotes Mr. Buck saying, that the American public needed to be educated "about the populist nature of the 17th Amendment and how it has taken us down the wrong path."

"I don't know that we get [repeal] tomorrow, but I think we get there in the very near future when people understand just what a horrendous effect the 17th amendment has been on the federal government's spending."

So I decided to give myself a bit of a history lesson, and looked up the 17th. Wow...just wow.

In short, this amendment was put in effect in 1913. Prior to that time the US senators were chosen by the state legislature. I took a moment to chew on this, and then it hit me... if they are chosen by the legislature, then we the people have a better chance of our voices being heard in our state. Not so dumb. It's all about accountability folks. As the system stands now, anyone with a bankroll and a pretty face can get elected. It is in large part a popularity contest with candidates looking for snappy taglines and freshly scrubbed children in their ads. We don't know these people, but the people they work with do. To have your state legislature elect you requires not only intelligence and savvy, but respect and trust. Think about it.

If you would like to read more ( and I hope you will) please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seventeenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution