Friday, March 16, 2012

Identity at the polls

Over the past few weeks, I have watched with a gaping jaw at the legal wrangling over voter identity laws with Texas being the latest victim.

Last year, the Texas Legislature approved Senate Bill 14, also known as Voter ID, which requires most people to show a photo identification card, such as a driver's license, when voting. This bill has now been blocked by the DOJ on the basis of "discrimination" because of a high Latino population, or more accurately a high ILLEGAL Latino population. Similar laws have passed unchallenged in other states, however because of the demographic makeup of Texas, it has been deemed by our ever-so-concerned government as racist.

A photo ID is a requirement for life, not just here in the U.S. but in every civilized country. Yes, even Mexico requires its citizens to be able to identify themselves. You cannot open a bank account, cash a check, get a library card, enroll your kids in school or get a job without a photo ID. Additionally, you cannot rent or buy housing or get aid of any kind without it. So it begs the question....How are these "multitudes" living in the US without an ID? Really. Imagine if you could not do ANY of those things, what would your life look like? No home, no money, no job...(Here's a hint: Think "Clown House" and working "under the table" as a dishwasher or housekeeper.)

It seems to me that on this issue our government has lost any futile attempts at credibility.

For more information see: