Friday, March 16, 2012

Identity at the polls

Over the past few weeks, I have watched with a gaping jaw at the legal wrangling over voter identity laws with Texas being the latest victim.

Last year, the Texas Legislature approved Senate Bill 14, also known as Voter ID, which requires most people to show a photo identification card, such as a driver's license, when voting. This bill has now been blocked by the DOJ on the basis of "discrimination" because of a high Latino population, or more accurately a high ILLEGAL Latino population. Similar laws have passed unchallenged in other states, however because of the demographic makeup of Texas, it has been deemed by our ever-so-concerned government as racist.

A photo ID is a requirement for life, not just here in the U.S. but in every civilized country. Yes, even Mexico requires its citizens to be able to identify themselves. You cannot open a bank account, cash a check, get a library card, enroll your kids in school or get a job without a photo ID. Additionally, you cannot rent or buy housing or get aid of any kind without it. So it begs the question....How are these "multitudes" living in the US without an ID? Really. Imagine if you could not do ANY of those things, what would your life look like? No home, no money, no job...(Here's a hint: Think "Clown House" and working "under the table" as a dishwasher or housekeeper.)

It seems to me that on this issue our government has lost any futile attempts at credibility.

For more information see:

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tax Cuts? Really?

OK....I have decided it is time for a good, old fashioned rant.

For the past several weeks, we have been hearing non-stop about renewal of the Bush tax cuts, and how evil Republicans are for wanting ALL of them extended. The Liberals are pounding their breast in mock pain at the thought of anyone in this country keeping any more of their own money than absolutly neccessary. The cries can be heard on CNN and MSNBC "You can afford to give more" and "Nobody needs that much money" and so forth, while some very simple truths are being omitted.

First off, the majority of these people are NOT rich. $250k is a nice salary, however in states like California and New York it places you somewhere in the middle class. In fact the people in the $250-$400 range are really the losers in this game. Why? Because while their salaries may seem high, they are not high enough to afford or justify the type of tax evading planning that say millionaire's and billionaires enjoy. Additionally, there are far more Americans in this income range than say, over $1 million a year. But that is just a collateral argument. The real "bones' of the argument amount to this; They earned this money due to hard work. The Government is NOT entitled to this money in any way shape or form. Let me say this again....The government IS NOT ENTITLED TO THIS money. Can anyone tell me where in the Constitution or founding documents it states that people should be punished for doing well? Or for that matter, where one person's money is valued higher than anothers? Heck 90% of our taxation is not even constitutional. Really, I am begging you. PLEASE show me something that says a dollars worth is dependent on the holder. Why should someone who makes $130k pay a rate of 25% while someone who makes $250k pays 33%? Why should someone who makes $500k pay 39%? Why are they less deserving of their hard earned money than someone who makes less? It is flat out discrimination against hard work and success

Simple math shows how egregious our tax system is and how unfair it truly is.
If we take $130k times 25% that's  $32,500.
Accordingly, $250k times that same 25% $62,500 At the same percentage rate it STILL looks like those darn "rich" people are paying more. Yep, I am pretty sure 62 is higher than 32. But that isn't enough for our government, if you are making that $250k you need to pay a higher percentage. Never mind that you spent additional years in school to attain the level of expertise required for that salary, never mind all that extra tuition you paid. Never mind that you use your own money to create jobs. Now they want to tell us what is an appropriate amount to have in our bank accounts and they will unburden us of the rest so we don't look "greedy". Gosh, what would we do without them.

As I watch the pundits from Fox to CNN discussing the "cuts" I can only compare this whole thing to the basic pitch you get from a sleazy salesman. "Yeah the price is going up next week. Well, let me see if I can discount it for ya, if the boss will let me". Sound familiar? We SHOULD be receiving a tax DECREASE demanding that our govt work/spend within the guidelines WE set. Instead, they act like this is some big favor, when it isn't. THEY are wasteful and crooked and I for one am FED UP! This is OUR money people. We need to start demanding responsibility, accountability and fair flat rates. 

End rant...Have a lovely day.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Groping Madness

Yes, I am mad. Mad as hell actually, as I watch many of my fellow conservatives take up a position of "resistance" over TSA screening. How quickly we forget the lessons learned on 9/11.

Since when do conservatives complain about safety procedures? Since when do conservatives act as though it is their right to travel via PRIVATE company and tell them how to do it? I am honestly baffled.

Most who are objecting are sighting the 4th amendment....
The Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution states:

The right of the people to be secure...against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

While I am NEVER one to give up personal liberties, I have to ask...Are y'all smoking crack? Seriously? This is NOT the government coming into your home and searching your possessions, nor are you being singled out. EVERYONE will go through screening, and if you really think some government worker is going to get their rocks off seeing an x-ray of your "junk" then you think far to highly of yourself.

Those of you who have taken up this fight, this protest, this campaign to mess with the security of our nations travel are acting in the interest of our enemies. Why not just take out an ad in the "Jihadi Times" and tell them this is a great opportunity to use their new generation of underwear bomb. For God's sake people, CAIR is pushing this protest. Since when are we on their side? You are being duped into furthering their agenda.

I think the most amusing is those freaking out about a three year old being searched. First off, the kid is a brat. No child should ever be allowed to behave that way in public.

Secondly, the kid set off the metal detector TWICE, therefore procedure for our safety dictates a further search. The kid wasn't hurt, there was no cavity search, no nudity, no inappropriate grabbing. Just a 3 year old whose parents did NOTHING to calm the child being patted down, and I should probably mention the kid is the child of a news reporter. Anything seem fishy to you yet?

Common sense needs to prevail here. Flying is NOT a right. If you choose to fly you have an OBLIGATION to make sure it is safe for everyone. Otherwise, I suggest you check out Greyhound or Amtrak stellar service to accommodate your travel needs.  

End Rant.

Friday, November 5, 2010

A simple post of thanks.

Now that our elections are over, and befitting the month of November, I thought I would dedicate this post to the AMAZING people I have worked with over the past year and who contributed to my "political education" here in Colorado.

Being new to the state of Colorado (and bored out of my wits), I decided I would participate in the election process from beginning to end in whatever capacity I could. Being an activist from way back,  I began with the local tea party and republican meetings where I met several up and coming candidates. I went to my neighborhood caucus, continued on to the delegation, voted in the primary, campaigned for some of my favorite candidates (and against some of my least favorites), proudly cast my vote, and volunteered as a county election watcher in several of the different ballot processing rooms, and finally, as an engrossed and fully invested observer I watched the returns come in and saw the voice of our country amplified by streams of red across big screen graphics of these United States.

At each step, I learned something different, whether election or finance laws, how to run a "shoestring" campaign and move a grassroots movement, but most importantly, I learned that there are a whole lot of people out there who share many, if not all of my views. Some of my candidates were victorious, and to them I offer my hearty congratulations. My two personal favorites however, were not successful in gaining office; both are equally great men who I sincerely admire for their conviction, integrity and straightforwardness.

Ken Buck, I think you are a great man and an amazing patriot. I hope this is only the beginning of what will be a long and distinguished career; we need more like you.

Tom Tancredo, for many years you have been, and will always be my hero. I have been a fan since my days in California where you gave those of us living the nightmare of illegal immigration a voice that our own representatives would not. To say you ran an amazing campaign would be an understatement. Your commitment to securing our borders, standing up for taxpayers and candidly stating what most are afraid to say have earned my utmost respect and admiration. I hope there will be another campaign where I can proudly wear my "Tanc-ette" t-shirt (because, after all, every candidate deserves to have "groupies").

In the coming days, I will be elaborating on some of my lessons learned, who we are as a conservative movement and where I see us going. Until then, my heartfelt "THANKS" to all of the new friends I have made in this process...I can't wait for our next adventure!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Is your "Tea" better than mine?

Or is your tea Kool-aid?

As someone who has been a "Tea-Partier" from way back when, I have to say I am more than dismayed at the current attitude by many Denver Tea-Partiers. The same people who, months ago during our caucuses and primary were urging people to vote "principle over party" are now shouting "party over principle". Astounding, I know. The crux of the matter of course is one Dan Maes, a man who got the Republican nomination via the tea-party wave. The problem of course is nearly nobody knew what a complete trainwreck this guy was until after the about buyers remorse, except of course for the few hangers on whom I firmly believe fall into one of two camps; those who automatically choose Republican on the ballot and those who simply refuse to read for themselves and  take the news only from Dan's mouth in a very cultish Kool-aid manner. ( I have been told by them on facebook, Dan's press coverage is a conspiracy just like the downtown bike program....shhhhh pass it on.)

Enter Tom Tancredo. Tom, trying to help the GOP save face and the Governors seat, got into the race with the intent of getting Maes to drop out so the GOP could select a viable candidate. Maes in his hubris has refused even when it is apparent to everyone but him that he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell at winning this thing. (I have to wonder if he was the kind of kid who's parents made up ribbons and trophies for him coming in 15th place?)

So Tancredo is still in for the long haul and may just pull this off according to recent polling. I decided before the primary that I would donate money and time to the candidates I chose as part of my own effort to know that I wasn't supporting just another talking head. Thus far, I have been active with 2 campaigns, Buck and Tancredo. Both have tremendous momentum and both are men I feel I can stand behind, in clear conscience and with pride.

Today, was the last straw on this camels back. I received a new Maes YouTube video. The video spends the first 4 of its total 7 minutes trying to convince the audience that none of what we have read is true and that he is some sort of "victim"...Seriously? When you find your gonads please let us all know. The remainder of the video is spent, urging us all to remember what the Tea Party movement is all about. Saying no to dirty politicians, electing based on principles, on integrity. Hearing those words coming from HIS mouth made me want to vomit especially in light of the smarmy tactics he and his attorney tried using this week (read HERE )not to mention further reports of questionable campaign finance management (HERE).

I'm Voting Tancredo. It is in my never-so-humble opinion a very "Tea-Party" like thing to do, in fact, I think it really sums up the movement.

So with my tea in hand and my spine firm I will cast my ballot, and because I am determined to vote based on PRINCIPLE I will not be selecting all Republicans. When I select the box next to Tom's name it will be not only because I feel he is the best man for the job, it will also be me exercising my dissent, my disgust and my disapproval for the candidate who is taking my party back to pre Tea-Party standards.

So take your Kool-aid elsewhere, this gal is happily sipping her tea.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

If you show me yours, I'll show you mine...

Get yer mind out of the gutter...I'm talking Character. 

Integrity? Honesty? How about trustworthyness?

As I watch the political commercials and advertisements for websites that flash across my field of vision, I am dumbfounded at the downright bold face lies spread in effort to gain political office.

Perhaps I oversimplify, but to me, these ads are job interviews with "we the people" but why do our candidates not see them as such? Can any of us imagine going into a job interview and pointing fingers at the last candidate or how about completely misrepresenting your experience? Sure we've all padded our resume at one point, but out and out make things up? (Think Dan Maes Serpico story) Personally, I would LOVE to see an applicant try the old tried and true, "I didn't....before I did"(Reference the many Democrats who claim they voted against heathcare and stimulus...before they did).

The websites are no better. During one of my recent rants about ObamaCare, a friend who's stance on the issue is the same as mine, sent me a link to a website whos url was seemingly altruistic urging me to vote NO on a local proposition, 63 per the advise of this website. I clicked the link, but nowhere on the page was the proposistions language. The only explanation on the site was the following....

"This is a partisan constitutional amendment that will lead to endless lawsuits and drive up health care costs for Colorado families already struggling with their health care bills. At the end of the day, more uninsured means higher costs for the insured. This complicated amendment will lead to sky rocketing health care costs, as individuals and businesses are forced to absorb the cost of more uninsured, more public health care services, and more emergency room care. Colorado can’t afford rising health care costs that will come from this partisan political statement. It has no place in our constitution and Colorado deserves better."

So, I looked it (prop 63) up on a reputable website and found that lo' and behold, a YES vote keeps ObamaCare at bay, a NO allows its pork filled center into my state.  But seriously, reading the above text would YOU have been able to tell? Where is the honesty? Has politics really reduced us to trying to "trick" people into voting a certain way?

As I prepare to tick those boxes on my mail in ballot, know this....I am watching. I am reading. There will be NO party line vote. I am the new breed of American voter. Be afraid, your job is at stake.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I want a Hero....

Really. I do.

As we get closer to the upcoming election,  this phrase has been on my mind more and more. I am hoping I can articulate it properly and get it from my brain to the page where it might mean something to somebody out there.

Over the past 4 years or so, I have been what I like to refer to as a despondent republican. Registered as a Republican but feeling less and less like a member of that party as I have watched those elected stray from the basic principals they ran on. With the Tea Parties I have felt hopeful that perhaps this infusion of new blood will really make a difference. But really? It is still a crapshoot. Those we fill the legislative seats with will have obscene amounts of money thrown at them, which ones will resist? They will also have the pressure from the GOP to bring in money instead of concentrating on their job, a job that you and I pay them to do. Will they fall under pressure? Who's ego and greed will get the better of them, and as a result, of all of us?

The biggest issue weighing on my mind is how they will handle the legislative process. Where bills are introduced with good intentions and then earmarked and filled with pork stuffed into them until they are simply to large and cumbersome to read let alone understand. THIS my friends is where, in my ever-so-humble opinion there is true opportunity for heroism.

I want a legislator who will just say no, and say it loudly. When a bill comes up to fund our military (or insert whatever issue) and has a bunch of crap put in it, I want a legislator who will say NO, and then hold a press conference explaining to the American people WHY. I want them to point fingers and name names, even if they are members of their own party. I want them to call these people out and shame them. I want my legislators to begin holding each other accountable. That my friends is a contract with America I could get behind.

If we can get even a small group to start this, I truly think we may be able to take our government back without having to reinvent the legislative wheel.

So there it is. I want a hero. The question is, will anyone step up?