Monday, November 15, 2010

Groping Madness

Yes, I am mad. Mad as hell actually, as I watch many of my fellow conservatives take up a position of "resistance" over TSA screening. How quickly we forget the lessons learned on 9/11.

Since when do conservatives complain about safety procedures? Since when do conservatives act as though it is their right to travel via PRIVATE company and tell them how to do it? I am honestly baffled.

Most who are objecting are sighting the 4th amendment....
The Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution states:

The right of the people to be secure...against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

While I am NEVER one to give up personal liberties, I have to ask...Are y'all smoking crack? Seriously? This is NOT the government coming into your home and searching your possessions, nor are you being singled out. EVERYONE will go through screening, and if you really think some government worker is going to get their rocks off seeing an x-ray of your "junk" then you think far to highly of yourself.

Those of you who have taken up this fight, this protest, this campaign to mess with the security of our nations travel are acting in the interest of our enemies. Why not just take out an ad in the "Jihadi Times" and tell them this is a great opportunity to use their new generation of underwear bomb. For God's sake people, CAIR is pushing this protest. Since when are we on their side? You are being duped into furthering their agenda.

I think the most amusing is those freaking out about a three year old being searched. First off, the kid is a brat. No child should ever be allowed to behave that way in public.

Secondly, the kid set off the metal detector TWICE, therefore procedure for our safety dictates a further search. The kid wasn't hurt, there was no cavity search, no nudity, no inappropriate grabbing. Just a 3 year old whose parents did NOTHING to calm the child being patted down, and I should probably mention the kid is the child of a news reporter. Anything seem fishy to you yet?

Common sense needs to prevail here. Flying is NOT a right. If you choose to fly you have an OBLIGATION to make sure it is safe for everyone. Otherwise, I suggest you check out Greyhound or Amtrak stellar service to accommodate your travel needs.  

End Rant.

Friday, November 5, 2010

A simple post of thanks.

Now that our elections are over, and befitting the month of November, I thought I would dedicate this post to the AMAZING people I have worked with over the past year and who contributed to my "political education" here in Colorado.

Being new to the state of Colorado (and bored out of my wits), I decided I would participate in the election process from beginning to end in whatever capacity I could. Being an activist from way back,  I began with the local tea party and republican meetings where I met several up and coming candidates. I went to my neighborhood caucus, continued on to the delegation, voted in the primary, campaigned for some of my favorite candidates (and against some of my least favorites), proudly cast my vote, and volunteered as a county election watcher in several of the different ballot processing rooms, and finally, as an engrossed and fully invested observer I watched the returns come in and saw the voice of our country amplified by streams of red across big screen graphics of these United States.

At each step, I learned something different, whether election or finance laws, how to run a "shoestring" campaign and move a grassroots movement, but most importantly, I learned that there are a whole lot of people out there who share many, if not all of my views. Some of my candidates were victorious, and to them I offer my hearty congratulations. My two personal favorites however, were not successful in gaining office; both are equally great men who I sincerely admire for their conviction, integrity and straightforwardness.

Ken Buck, I think you are a great man and an amazing patriot. I hope this is only the beginning of what will be a long and distinguished career; we need more like you.

Tom Tancredo, for many years you have been, and will always be my hero. I have been a fan since my days in California where you gave those of us living the nightmare of illegal immigration a voice that our own representatives would not. To say you ran an amazing campaign would be an understatement. Your commitment to securing our borders, standing up for taxpayers and candidly stating what most are afraid to say have earned my utmost respect and admiration. I hope there will be another campaign where I can proudly wear my "Tanc-ette" t-shirt (because, after all, every candidate deserves to have "groupies").

In the coming days, I will be elaborating on some of my lessons learned, who we are as a conservative movement and where I see us going. Until then, my heartfelt "THANKS" to all of the new friends I have made in this process...I can't wait for our next adventure!