Tuesday, October 19, 2010

If you show me yours, I'll show you mine...

Get yer mind out of the gutter...I'm talking Character. 

Integrity? Honesty? How about trustworthyness?

As I watch the political commercials and advertisements for websites that flash across my field of vision, I am dumbfounded at the downright bold face lies spread in effort to gain political office.

Perhaps I oversimplify, but to me, these ads are job interviews with "we the people" but why do our candidates not see them as such? Can any of us imagine going into a job interview and pointing fingers at the last candidate or how about completely misrepresenting your experience? Sure we've all padded our resume at one point, but out and out make things up? (Think Dan Maes Serpico story) Personally, I would LOVE to see an applicant try the old tried and true, "I didn't....before I did"(Reference the many Democrats who claim they voted against heathcare and stimulus...before they did).

The websites are no better. During one of my recent rants about ObamaCare, a friend who's stance on the issue is the same as mine, sent me a link to a website whos url was seemingly altruistic  www.coloradodeservesbetter.com urging me to vote NO on a local proposition, 63 per the advise of this website. I clicked the link, but nowhere on the page was the proposistions language. The only explanation on the site was the following....

"This is a partisan constitutional amendment that will lead to endless lawsuits and drive up health care costs for Colorado families already struggling with their health care bills. At the end of the day, more uninsured means higher costs for the insured. This complicated amendment will lead to sky rocketing health care costs, as individuals and businesses are forced to absorb the cost of more uninsured, more public health care services, and more emergency room care. Colorado can’t afford rising health care costs that will come from this partisan political statement. It has no place in our constitution and Colorado deserves better."

So, I looked it (prop 63) up on a reputable website and found that lo' and behold, a YES vote keeps ObamaCare at bay, a NO allows its pork filled center into my state.  But seriously, reading the above text would YOU have been able to tell? Where is the honesty? Has politics really reduced us to trying to "trick" people into voting a certain way?

As I prepare to tick those boxes on my mail in ballot, know this....I am watching. I am reading. There will be NO party line vote. I am the new breed of American voter. Be afraid, your job is at stake.

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