Sunday, October 10, 2010

I want a Hero....

Really. I do.

As we get closer to the upcoming election,  this phrase has been on my mind more and more. I am hoping I can articulate it properly and get it from my brain to the page where it might mean something to somebody out there.

Over the past 4 years or so, I have been what I like to refer to as a despondent republican. Registered as a Republican but feeling less and less like a member of that party as I have watched those elected stray from the basic principals they ran on. With the Tea Parties I have felt hopeful that perhaps this infusion of new blood will really make a difference. But really? It is still a crapshoot. Those we fill the legislative seats with will have obscene amounts of money thrown at them, which ones will resist? They will also have the pressure from the GOP to bring in money instead of concentrating on their job, a job that you and I pay them to do. Will they fall under pressure? Who's ego and greed will get the better of them, and as a result, of all of us?

The biggest issue weighing on my mind is how they will handle the legislative process. Where bills are introduced with good intentions and then earmarked and filled with pork stuffed into them until they are simply to large and cumbersome to read let alone understand. THIS my friends is where, in my ever-so-humble opinion there is true opportunity for heroism.

I want a legislator who will just say no, and say it loudly. When a bill comes up to fund our military (or insert whatever issue) and has a bunch of crap put in it, I want a legislator who will say NO, and then hold a press conference explaining to the American people WHY. I want them to point fingers and name names, even if they are members of their own party. I want them to call these people out and shame them. I want my legislators to begin holding each other accountable. That my friends is a contract with America I could get behind.

If we can get even a small group to start this, I truly think we may be able to take our government back without having to reinvent the legislative wheel.

So there it is. I want a hero. The question is, will anyone step up?

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